BANJOKO OMOTUNDE FARMS LIMITED was registered as a limited liability company with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission April 2014. The company was established because of the untapped and inherent potential in the agric industry in Africa. We passionately believe Agriculture which is the bed rock of food security can contribute to employment generation, Increased foreign exchange earnings for the country than what is been currently experienced. This passion has kept us through various challenges like fluctuation in cost of production, scarcity of labour, unfavourable and unpredictable market prices and access to good finance structure. The company started with the acquisition of 16 Hectares of land in 2012 and currently has 230 Hectares, Our major crops are Cassava and Cocoa .We started with two (2) Directors and two (2) shareholders but now has five (5) Directors and two (2) shareholders.
We are working at the moment to structure farm operations in a manner that will be beneficial and profitable to both farmers and consumers. Where prices, quantity, quality and other parameters are predetermined and coordinated. Our focus now as a company is to close the input supply gap of major processing plant of agro products e.g cassava in Nigeria , most of which are presently producing below installed capacity due to insufficient input supply. Though Nigeria produces more cassava than any other country in the world with the crop found in abundance in 24 of the 36 states Yet every year at least USD 680 million of flour, starch, glucose, and animal feed are imported to Nigeria, most of which can be made locally from processed cassava. This is largely due to the fact that coordinated harvest and transport for large quantities of commercial grade cassava remain the greatest challenge for Nigeria to increase processing.
We are principally into Production, Processing, Marketing, Sale and Distribution of farm products as well as providing Consulting Services on farm establishments and operations. We offer our services to individuals, corporate bodies, large manufacturing corporations and partners with governments and institutions to establish and run sustainable farms and agro projects. The company presently produces raw and processed Cassava (Garri) and Cocoa majorly with some investments in Plantain and Vegetable production. Bulk of the production/processing operations of the company happens at our base in Ijebu North-East LGA and Ijebu East LGA via Ijebu-ode and Yewa North, Abeokuta in Ogun state.
We have about 600Ha of land at the moment available for cultivation and consideration on out-grower scheme where about 10,000T of cassava is expected annually. Investors are always welcome to participate in the execution of this project, returns are guaranteed and project insured. We strongly believe the execution of these kind of projects will greatly reduce youths and women unemployment, boost social activity in the community thereby reduce rural-urban migration and income for the farmers and government through payment of tax.
Excellent in everything that they do!!!!!!.
Since i started buying from this company i have never had the doubt not to do business with them over and over.Such a talented group of individuals.